It's been a banner week for Retro Row-an article in the New York Times travel section and today a front page feature in the Long Beach Register. This type of great publicity only underscores what a great attraction this historic area and the fine shops operated in it have been for many years.
ShoppersMap takes great pride in our role as the primary promoter of the area with the print maps. Combined with aggressive distribution and timely updates, these maps have become the prime source for tourist and local awareness for a decade. With the addition of this blog format and the ability to broadcast info via RSS, ShoppersMap will continue to be the leading source of news, updates and other relevant information.
Welcome to the shoppersmap Long Beach blog homepage. This space is the place where the shops located in Long Beach that are part of the shoppersmap network have the opportunity to showcase their business.
Our goal is to provide a community forum in which our stores and the people who love to shop in them can get together and share common interests. Store owners are encouraged to discuss, display and share their items, ideas and expertise and make that information available (via RSS) to the entire blogoshpere.
As the era of "geospatial" tourism begins, we at shoppersmap are pioneering the notion of aggregating the interests of the small business community focused on antiques, vintage, retro and thrift inventory. Unlike "high end" sites like Firstdibs or impersonal mediums like eBay, we are all about the survival and flourishing of our community small businesses in our industry. Unlike City Search or Yelp, we aren't inclusive of every business in every town-we are focused community by community on our narrow niche and are confident we will be an effective filter in bringing together the interests of owners and shoppers alike.
So let's "open the conversation" among the locals, folks anywhere on the planet with similar passions and lovers of the new era of interactive map mashups! All comments and suggestions welcome!